
商务包ppt模板 by GraphicStan

Business Pack has 1400+ unique slides that you can use it for various business and presentation purpose such Business, Corporate, finance, pitch deck, creative, technology, Education and many.
Sales: 904
ppt信息图表黄金模板包Big Collection of Best Infographics slides to convert your data visually into an amazing presentation. 2700张完全可编辑的幻灯片,信息图表,...
Sales: 139
theme_未来科技氛围 SALE

theme_未来科技氛围 by aiyanna-nadikerianda

10 animated slides, completely editable, custom BG, custom logo, 动画封面幻灯片-电动汽车主题, 未来科技元素, glow in the dark vibe

最简单的ppt模板 by AdrianDragne

“FIRMA” Minimal Powerpoint Presentation Template is a multipurpose Powerpoint template perfect for your business or personal use. 有了这个动画pptx模板演示,您将能够...
Sales: 67

策略ppt图表模板 by Slidelisting

策略ppt图表模板Big Collection of Modern Strategy diagrams slides to convert your data visually into an amazing presentation. 85完全可编辑的幻灯片,信息图表,和...
Sales: 13

商务版ppt模板 by GraphicStan

Business Pro has unique slides that you can use it for various business and presentation purpose such Business, Corporate, finance, pitch deck, creative, technology, Education and many more
Sales: 11
The 营销计划ppt演示模板 is created very carefully for using any kind of Business. 强大的功能,营销计划PowerPoint已被监控. Business levels...
Sales: 42
医疗PowerPoint模板包含专门为医疗保健设计的, doctors and medical professionals who often need to create powerful presentations for Hospitals or University.
Sales: 51
简单- PowerPoint模板
简单的PowerPoint模板专业包是一个图形的集合, slides, diagram, template, etc. 建立你自己的精彩演讲.
Sales: 32
现代设计是一个强大的创意演示模板. 通过使用本产品中的视差效果来体验差异. 轻松改变图标而不失去他们的动画. All...
Sales: 292
About the ProductCreative - Project Proposal PowerPoint TemplateOne of the best Project Proposal PowerPoint Template, 你会在网上找到所有的幻灯片和...
Sales: 11
用这个万能的模板给你的观众留下深刻印象! 适合商务和个人使用. Simply add your content, images, and brand colors, and you're ready to confidently present your...
Sales: 2
Big Collection of Modern Executive Summary PowerPoint Slides to convert your data visually into an amazing presentation. 有22个完全可编辑的幻灯片,信息图表和图表. Over 6500...
Sales: 25
First 90 Days Plan Template is suitable for new employees who have recently joined a company and are aiming to create and present their work plan and ideas
Sales: 1
现在你不需要花时间准备复杂的幻灯片了. 只需下载此演示文稿,并在几次点击中替换文本和图像. 有更多的时间准备你的演讲. Easy to use and...
Sales: 2

White PowerPoint Themes

If you’re going to be giving a presentation, it’s important to find the right slide design quickly. 这往往不容易做到. 幻灯片布局需要强调内容的结构. 演示元素需要吸引观众, 设计必须与品牌相匹配,看起来很现代. 在哪里可以找到满足所有这些要求的PowerPoint模板呢? 在这里可以找到数百个创意和高质量的演示模板. 在我们的网站注册,并下载尽可能多的设计,你喜欢. 您可以使用标签和关键字搜索合适的模板. 也有按新鲜度和受欢迎程度排序的. 在这里,你可以付费下载一个你喜欢的设计. 选择是压倒性的, with hundreds of awesome PowerPoint templates with new works coming out every week. 在这里,每个人都会找到适合自己的完美模板. To save you time, we provide examples of templates with the most unique and creative designs below.

We create PowerPoint themes that look good, are easy to use, and fit the company’s needs. A template is essential if your employees regularly make presentations of the same type. 一些资源提供在线编辑幻灯片的功能,比如谷歌Docs. But most often, they offer to download the templates in PowerPoint format and edit them on a computer because everyone knows how to work with this software. 白色的ppt主题配有漂亮的图片, headings, text blocks, harmonious colors, and original fonts. 在这里你可以下载漂亮的幻灯片模板布局, 更改它们的文本和图像, 并在演讲中使用它们, lessons, or research projects. 演示文稿将看起来新颖而专业, 而且你不需要花很多时间来创建它们. 我们有很多原创的白色ppt主题. 任何主题的大量收藏. For the convenience of searching, the templates are systematized according to thematic sections. 每个呈现的模板都有描述和屏幕截图. The slides have thematic or abstract images with texts, diagrams, and infographics. Thus, a comprehensive set of visual tools is provided for a holistic and harmonious disclosure of any object, process, or event. 所有元素都可以编辑.

在这个集合中,你会发现许多极简主义设计的创意幻灯片. 有带有文本、信息图表、表格、图形等的动态图像. 模板看起来很有吸引力,并且非常容易使用. These trendy White PowerPoint Themes will captivate your audience with an elegant design. 它们提供了许多可供选择的功能和全高清质量. 每一个都是一个独特的极简主义解决方案. They combine simplicity and elegance perfectly with all the popular professional features like animation, infographics, and slide customization. The templates feature a modern design with transparent overlays and color effects. 他们有你需要的一切来创造一个令人印象深刻的演讲. 它们有机地结合了最时尚的元素. 地图布局、移动布局和许多其他有用的功能也可用. 这个很棒的集合包含了大量的创意幻灯片. 这是设计商业创意的理想选择.


本教程展示了如何创建一个漂亮的, 平滑的PowerPoint文本动画白色PowerPoint主题.



In the process of editing, it’s better to insert your pictures using the “change picture” menu. 右键单击要替换的图像, 从您的计算机中选择所需的一个, 把它插到幻灯片上. In this case, 这幅画不会移到一边, 所有的装饰元素(框架和效果)将被保留.


White PowerPoint Themes use original fonts to add character and style to the presentations. When downloaded, they are either automatically replaced with existing ones in your PowerPoint version (similar in style) or are automatically installed along with the template. If neither one happened, 您必须手动选择字体(与主题中的字体相同). 最主要的是在所有幻灯片中选择一到两种字体,而不是更多.


White PowerPoint Themes have additional icons (tiny pictures that you can use to mark important points in your presentation). 它们通常位于最后一张幻灯片上. 请选择您需要的,并复制到您需要的地方.


One of the features of ready-made themes is the presence of non-editable elements. 通常,它们是背景图像、条纹和装饰元素. 如果你试图替换一张图片,但它没有改变,它就是这样一个元素. 您可以使用它们,但这是高级用户的任务.