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shoppingBag Sales: 963

Created: Jun 3, 2016

Updated: Jun 3, 2016

ID: 58873

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

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motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 1motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 2motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 3motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 4motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 5motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 6motoppress内容编辑器 - Features Image 7

MotoPress Content Editor enhances the standard WordPress builder (TinyMCE) allowing you to create websites visually. This drag-and-drop WordPress Page Builder is the complete solution for building responsive website pages without coding - simply by dragging elements around. You can create beautiful pages containing texts, images, buttons, tabs, charts, tables and more.

MotoPress plugin is easily extendable, fully responsive and works with all WordPress themes.

Key features:

  • 前端编辑和出色的所见即所得体验;
  • 响应设计;
  • 视觉风格构建者;
  • 友好的用户界面;
  • 兼容WordPress Multisite;
  • 谷歌网页字体;
  • 预先设计布局;
  • 视差和视频背景;
  • Useful addons like Contact form, Image Hotspot, Video Lightbox and more;
  • WooCommerce和WPML插件兼容.


= 2.5.1 =* Bug修复:修复了破碎图像的问题.= 2.5.0 =* Added the ability to add and edit the images inside a text object. * Added the ability of deleting and duplicating rows and columns.*界面重新设计.= 2.4.0 =* Plugin localization moved from JSON to WordPress native PO/MO format.*小错误修复和改进.= 2.3.0 =*插件更新程序代码的新版本.改进了与PHP 7的兼容性.= 2.2.0 =* Added the ability to save content without shortcodes when the plugin is deactivated.= 2.1.1 =* Bug fix: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in MPCECustomStyleManager.php* Bug fix: wp_get_sites is deprecated since version 4.6.0* Added the ability to set background-size option for parallax image= 2.1.0 =*改进了插件启动时间* Bug修复:修复了与cherry-social插件的问题* Bug修复:修复了当样式预设可能被覆盖在wpmu上的问题* Bug修复:修复了当一行中只有一个对象时固定内容宽度选项的问题* Bug修复:修复了当背景视频在视觉编辑器中具有不正确的大小和位置时的问题*改进了与流行Zerif主题的兼容性*改进了安全性= 2.0.3 =*小错误修复= 2.0.2 =* Bug fix: fixed an issue with the link dialog* Bug fix: fixed an issue when the content section was not found= 2.0.1 =*改进插件启动时间, 2x faster* Now you see the whole website while editing page or post* New Style Manager. Create, 保存和重用样式*添加了在不同设备上实时预览网站的能力*添加了设置行全宽和全高的能力*添加了控制打开启动屏幕小部件的频率的能力*小错误修复和改进= 1.6.7 =* Added the ability to set HTML ID for row* Added the ability to duplicate widget= 1.6.6 =*小错误修复和改进= 1.6.5 =*新帖子滑块小部件*新下载按钮小部件*新启动屏幕小部件*新弹出窗口小部件*新倒计时计时器小部件*新列表小部件*新图标小部件*新呼叫行动小部件*新按钮组小部件*添加了按类别和标签过滤的能力在Posts网格小部件*添加了加载下一个帖子的能力在Posts网格小部件中加载更多按钮*改进了与WordPress 4的兼容性.3* Improved compatibility with WPMU Domain Mapping plugin* Improved compatibility with WordPress multisite* Improved compatibility with MooTools framework*小错误修复和改进* Added Finnish= 1.6.3 =* Bug修复:修复了Image widget= 1的问题.6.2 =* Bug fix: fixed an issue with YouTube row attribute= 1.6.1 =* New highly customizable Service Box widget* Added the ability to show any posts with the Custom Query option in Posts Grid widget* Added the ability to show posts by ids in Posts Grid widget* Added the ability to set icon of Button widget and use stretch option* Added the ability to set Instagram link in Social Buttons widget* Added the ability to use shortcodes in Members Content widget* Added the ability to show caption of the image in Image widget* Added the ability to set slideshow and full-width tabs navigation style in Tabs Widget* Added the ability to make Vertical Tabs* Added the ability to add addons settings into the MotoPress Settings section* Bug fix: fixed an issue with multiple comma-separated slugs in Posts Grid widget*小错误修复和改进= 1.6.0 =* Nested shortcodes API* New public actions, filters and javascript events. See docs for more information* Theme integration actions and filters* Added the ability to filter custom taxonomy in Post Grid widget* Minor bugfixes= 1.5.9 =* Bug fix: fixed issue with link dialog box* Improved compatibility with plugins= 1.5.*小错误修复= 1.5.7 =* Bug fix: fixed issue with text selection* Bug fix: fixed issue with Google Maps= 1.5.6 =*改进了与WordPress 4的兼容性.1*添加克罗地亚语= 1.5.5 = *新网格画廊小部件打开灯箱的特点*新风格的空间小部件*添加使用谷歌字体的能力*添加的能力构建页面,文章从预定义布局*添加的标签或类别显示帖子帖子网格部件*添加帖子网格中选择图像大小和滑块部件*添加行和列的能力使用定制的短码*改善兼容WordPress多语种插件= 1.5.4 =*改进的兼容性HeadwayThemes= 1.5.3 =*增加了选择图像大小的能力, large, medium, thumbnail, *添加了将图像链接到全尺寸图像或在Lightbox中打开的能力*添加了设置谷歌图表颜色和透明背景的能力*改进了与WordPress的兼容性*改进了与HeadwayThemes的兼容性*添加了一个选项来隐藏MotoPpess选项页面在WPMU的子网站* MotoPpess许可证页面仅在WPMU的主网站上可用*添加了巴西葡萄牙语*小错误修复= 1.5.2 =* Video and parallax background of the row* Added German= 1.5.1 =*小错误修复= 1.5.0 =* New Style Manager* Ability to style rows and columns* New widget Social buttons* Minor bugfixes= 1.4.*小错误修复= 1.4.7 =* New widget Posts Grid* New widget Accordion* Ability to set custom CSS class for each object* Minor bugfixes= 1.4.6 =*改进了与WordPress 3的兼容性.9= 1.4.5 =*改进了与StudioPress的兼容性, Headway, PageLines, WooThemes, Theme Hybrid, Mysitemyway= 1.4.4 =* Spell-checking* Ability to control excerpt and more tag to a post* Minor bugfixes= 1.4.3 =*新部件图表*小错误修复= 1.4.2 =* Bug修复:修正了Page Builder插件的问题*新部件表*视频帮助和教程*添加了在编辑器中更改帖子标题的能力*添加了为元素周围的空间设置50和100像素的能力*添加了新的控件以获得更好的用户界面*次要Bug修复= 1.4.1 =*小错误修复= 1.4.0 =* New widget Tabs enables to create tabbed content* New widget Audio enables to embed audio files from the Media Library and external URL* Bug fix: fixed issue with html attributes which were removed while switching between Text and Visual tabs in the editor* Bug fix: fixed issue with the Pockets plugin* Bug fix: fixed issue with ejs files* Feature request: implemented feature request to hide MotoPress for certain user groups* Feature request: implemented feature request to hide the License Key* Feature request: implemented feature request to add the ability to open link in a new window for the Image object* Feature request: implemented feature request to add a quick link to open MotoPress under the post title in the table of posts= 1.3.3 =* Updated the text editor, improved selection of link and color* Added Spanish= 1.3.2 =* Bug fix: fixed errors with javascript libraries* Bug fix: fixed inactive controls of WordPress Text object* New widget Social buttons added= 1.3.1 =*新License和更新策略= 1.3 =*改进了插件启动的时间* Shortcodes API:添加了插入您的短代码到插件的能力*新的设置面板看风格选项卡和设置对象之间的空间的能力*添加了最小化设置面板小屏幕的能力* Bug修复:在内容中固定了额外的空间和标签的Bug * Bug修复:内容编辑器按钮可用于用户在多站点无管理权限= 1.2.1 =*小错误修复= 1.2 =*多站点兼容性.*新的小部件:嵌入,仅限会员的内容,报价.* Dark preview area for better visibility of light content.*能够即时调整内容大小.*自定义CSS部分在设置页面.*原生WordPress更新过程.* Bug修复和性能改进.= 1.1 =*拖放改进= 1.0 =* Release


Works well and we like using this plugin when we have to do some customization. Easy to learn.
不是最新的版本. 不容易得到最新版本的帮助.
Es una gran ayuda para los principiantes en la edición de plantilla WordPress, 我很高兴能参加fácil administración
fonctionnel mais manque des option et une documentation complète en français
Valido e flessibile anche se adesso un po datato, sarebbe da rinnovare


About Author

Guru Author


3.0 /5
支持度评分(6 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 3 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 3
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Related Topics:

User Interface, Development




Sublime Text2或更高版本,notepad++或任何php编辑器
For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)